The hubs of the financial world
What is a Firm?
A Firm in the financial world is essentially a business. Since Plannr CRM is a tool for financial advisers, anyone that uses Plannr will belong to a Firm. Firms are the hubs for everything on Plannr, containing vast amounts of models representing different areas of the business in the real world such as Accounts for Clients/Employees, Business Reports and Plans.
In an API context within Plannr, many models are stored and authenticated against a Firm. Through relationships, most models belong to a Firm one way or another. For example, a Folder for Files belongs to an Account, which in turn belongs to a Firm.
API Perspective
Currently, there is no way to make a Firm externally through the API. A Firm and an initial User will be set up for you upon gaining access to the Plannr API. It is recommended to familiarise yourself with a Firm's UUID, as this will often be needed when using the API. The best way to think about a Firm is as a point of origin, which almost everything relates back to.
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